thoughts. images. illustration. graphic design.

the blog companion of hopscotch graphics


warning, this is a rant

Two out of three "K"s and the "B" are all upside-down 
Marquee Boards with misspellings are bad, (our local Taco Time ran a "SPECAIL"  for so long a few years back, that I seriously wondered how many children in the Oregon Trail School district would spell "special" incorrectly if given a test),  but the flipped, backwards, and otherwise altered-to-fit-the-need letters drive me nuts! - and we're not even going to start on kerning issues.

I think the flipped "N" is the most common, the upside-down "K" and "B" are numerous too. Don't have an "M" handy, just flip a "W" who's going to notice, Ahhhhhhhhh! I've seen substitution of a  "5" for an "S", "1" for an "I", flipped "3" for an "E", you know what I'm talking about. I realize it is a cold and inglorious job to stand out in the public with a long pole and place plastic letters up high on a distant board, and therefore I feel certain that the personnel at the bottom of the seniority list gets stuck with this task. I also realize that the letters can be easily flipped because of the clear plastic they are printed on, BUT it speaks so publicly and poorly for the business when the immediate face it presents is a typographic mess. 

Example: Sandy's Kentucky Fried Chicken marquee sign has been up for weeks with it's special misspelled! Ironically they had to put in extra effort to get it wrong, altering a "P" into the extra "B". These companies spend millions on their national add campaigns, and then blow their image on the local level with their sloppy individual store boards. Not everyone is driven to distraction by a backwards "N", but it has just got to leave a subtle message of, "we didn't get it right and we don't care" to all who pass.

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Enough of this finger pointing though, and now for a little pause to reflect on all the typo's and misspellings that I have committed, maybe more than a little pause . . . 
Ahhhhh, that feels so much better.

1 comment:

  1. . . . or could it be that they CLEVERLY added a second "B" to act as the menu item's own double . . . .
