thoughts. images. illustration. graphic design.

the blog companion of hopscotch graphics


all scan settings are not equal

A woodpecker was at the suet feeder outside our front window this morning, so I took a photo and sketched off of the screen on my digital camera then scanned it.  I tried color document, color photo, black and white photo, etc, all the way through. Color document turned out really light, color photo got all the details without the smudges on the paper, and black and white photo was the best, but I didn't want the pure accuracy of the smudges, so I took the color photo scan into photoshop to play with.


  1. Oh! I enjoy your drawings so much! How are you??

  2. Erin, you've been an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work on your blog - I love seeing what you are up to! As alluded to in my blog title, I'm just trying to keep my graphic sanity as I continue to look for a job.
