thoughts. images. illustration. graphic design.

the blog companion of hopscotch graphics


snowfakes or snowflakes?

Snowflakes have 6 points or sides or whatever you want to call them, six . . . not four . . . not eight, SIX! There is endless variation from that one requirement - "no two alike". However, as a starting point, this is foundational and only forgiven when school children make four sided cutouts, because lets face it, it's harder to fold the paper in half and then in thirds, than it is to just fold it in half and then in half again before snipping commences.
Maybe not everyone has seen a real, perfect, unmelted snowflake that's just fallen and sits fragilely to be appreciated for a moment. My many years on chair lifts only produced a handful of these memories because the conditions have to be just right to see an illusive specimen. - a moment of reflective silence -

So yes, this is personal. Get it right folks; six is where it's at with snowflakes.

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