thoughts. images. illustration. graphic design.

the blog companion of hopscotch graphics


once again (as opposed to nevermore)

We went camping at the beach 2 weeks ago, and even though it rained most of the time, we enjoyed the comforting roar of the ocean, the fog horn in the distance, and the croak of the crows that are constantly scanning and assessing the camp sites waiting for their turn at ---- well, at whatever!

I took a bunch of photos that are giving me some great reference to work with. This started out as a pencil sketch, the pencil lines are still visible here and there around my finished print. Don't you just love the way crows are black and violet and blue? This will be joining my etsy shop pronto!
hopscotch graphics

1 comment:

  1. I just love crows - remind me of living in a rural town as a child. There is something special, even mysterious, about the crow. I think he is often misunderstood. I am Native American and we find crow in many of our stories. Thank you for creating such an amazing work of art!
    Best wishes,
    peg(O) Gooday
